hazel park congregational united church of christ

Celebrating 129 years of ministry on the EAst Side of St. Paul!

Blessings to you and yours!

Join us for worship either in-person or livestreamed on Facebook

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM

You can also find us on YouTube!

Hazel Park UCC, your neighborhood church, is a progressive Christian community. Our values of being open and affirming, welcoming and inclusive, and generous and supportive drive our vision. A forward-looking congregation, we aspire to live out Jesus' teaching to love thy neighbor by serving as a community catalyst, connector, and convener, and by creating a space to serve as a prophetic witness. As an open and affirming congregation, we welcome the LGBTQIA+ community.

Hazel Park Congregational United Church of Christ is called to be a church of extravagant welcome:

to celebrate God still speaking,
to share the Gospel of Christian love,
to serve the tapestry of God's creation,
and to welcome all into the full life and ministry of the church regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation,
mental and physical ability, marital status, age, or ethnic or socio-economic background.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! 

Handicapped Accessible


Virtual/ livestream services

Testimony: Why am i a member of hazel park ucc

Upcoming Events

Church News