Providing Radical Hospitality - Knowing Our Rights

Each of the organizations who utilize our building is built on community. We welcome many individuals into our space. Under the current climate, how do we do the best we can to keep our constituents safe when they enter our doors? In response to providing genuine hospitality, Mary Russell and Rev. Sara have been doing some research on understanding our rights as organizations and individuals if representatives from Immigration, Customs and Enforcement (ICE) ring the doorbell. What do we do? How can we respond? The information shared will be suggestions on how to respond knowing that we cannot speak for the particular organizations that meet in our building; nor are we offering legal counsel. If anything, this is a way for us to band together to understand our rights as citizens of the United States and share resources with each other as community organizations supporting our neighborhood. Join in this conversation on Monday, March 24 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room. Light refreshments will be provided. Who should attend this event? Any employees or regular volunteers of the organizations in the building that would find themselves in the building other than just attending worship or an event. Please RSVP to by Wednesday, March 19. Any questions, please reach out to Rev. Sara.


Adult Education


MN Conference UCC Young Adult Cohort