lenten family toolkit

The season of Lent is is here, and we are delighted to share the details for this year’s Lenten family toolkit. Each weekly toolkit installment features a weekly video with clergy from around the Minnesota Conference in conversation and reflection on the themes and texts for the week. In addition to these video reflections, the toolkits provide a rich and diverse collection of at-home games, activities, book and film recommendations, spiritual practices, and service ideas for individuals and families of all ages.

Following are the themes and texts for each week:

· Ash Wednesday (March 2): Into the Wilderness

· Lent 1 (March 6): Fear

· Lent 2 (March 13): Grief

· Lent 3 (March 20): Loneliness/Isolation

· Lent 4 (March 27): Self-Doubt

· Lent 5 (April 3): Too-Muchness

· Lent 6 (April 10): Betrayal

· Holy Week/Easter (April 11-17)

Please contact Rev. Sheri Nelson, Outdoor Ministry Program Director, or Rev. Kevin Brown, Associate Conference Minister of Faith Formation for Children & Youth, with any questions.

This curriculum and interactive content are being developed in collaboration with Keren’s Art, Doing Good Together, and The Ministry Lab.

Please contact Sandy Kellen to sign-up to receive the link to the weekly toolkit delivered to your email inbox.